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Liposuction vs. CoolSculpting: What’s Best for Losing My Love Handles?

Those warm-weather months are just around the corner – and that means you’re getting ready to spend more time on the beach or in your backyard.  But maybe you’re not as excited as you’d like to be.  Maybe you feel as though you’re not in your optimal shape, even though you’ve been eating right and getting plenty of exercise.

Don’t beat yourself up over your love handles or any other excess body fat.  A combination of aging and genetics can make it difficult to lose stubborn fat, despite doing everything else right.  If you’re within 20-30 pounds of your ideal weight but can’t seem to whittle down your waistline, it’s time to introduce yourself to CoolSculpting at Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD in Powell, TN.

Unlike liposuction, CoolSculpting is non-invasive and designed to reduce your recovery process.  CoolSculpting delivers freezing energy through the dermis to the layer of fat cells directly underneath the skin.  Exposed fat cells quickly crystallize and are later removed, resulting in cell reduction within the specific treatment area.  Since CoolSculpting is non-surgical, patients can return to their normal activities after treatment. CoolSculpting is best for treating love handles, thanks to large hand-pieces that deliver optimal levels of freezing energy. CoolSculpting requires virtually no downtime, while results are visible within 8 to 12 weeks.

Liposuction, on the other hand, requires plenty of recovery time, especially when treating larger areas like the love handles.  During the liposuction procedure, your plastic surgeon uses a cannula to manually break up fat deposits.  This action creates a lot of bruising and swelling, which results in a lengthy recovery process (between four to six weeks).

If you’re concerned about fat deposits in other areas of your body, CoolSculpting uses smaller applicators to deliver freezing energy to targeted areas like underneath the chin and around the armpits. To learn more about why CoolSculpting is the best treatment option for love handles, schedule a consultation at Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD.