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Do Laser Hair Removal Treatments Hurt?

Winter may have just arrived at our doorsteps, but that doesn’t mean you’re not already planning for some summer fun.  If visions of beaches, barbeques, and outdoor activities are swimming in your head, then make sure you’re ready for summer fun with laser hair removal!

Why Laser Hair Removal During Winter?

Laser hair removal takes a few months to see ideal results, so winter is the perfect time to go on that quest for silky smooth skin.  With laser hair removal at Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD, our laser hair removal technology targets dark, coarse hair while leaving the surrounding skin healthy and undamaged. The difference is that our laser hair removal technology uses multiple pulses of light – each of which only takes a fraction of a second – to remove maximum amounts of hair.  That means laser hair removal is faster, easier, and much more convenient. In fact, noticeable hair loss typically takes place after six to eight sessions!  Our practice uses the Cutera ExcelHR for our laser hair removal patients.

Will Laser Hair Removal Hurt?

When you think of laser hair removal, do you typically think of pain and discomfort?  Not to worry – those feelings are a thing of the past with our laser hair removal technology!
Our laser hair removal methods are ideal for clients who want fast results without going through the pain and discomfort of electrolysis or older generations of laser hair removal.
Most patients who undergo our treatments only feel a mild heating and tingling sensation.  Best of all, each session usually takes less than an hour (or even in just a couple of minutes, if you’re treating small areas like the upper lip!).

Contact us today to book your laser hair removal consultation at 865-671-3888.