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Brotox: The Rise in Botox For Men

You’ve heard of Botox before – but have you ever heard of “Brotox”?

Brotox refers to Botox injections for men, and it’s on the rise. In fact, many plastic surgery practices are noting a significant increase in male patients seeking out anti-aging injections.  It’s believed that older men are turning to Botox injections in an effort to appear younger and more well-rested in both their professional and personal lives.
Additionally, many of these male patients are seeking out Botox as a way to compete with younger men in both professional and personal capacities.  By minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, older men can benefit from appearing energetic yet experienced – a winning combination in any office!

The Botox Difference
Botox’s active ingredient is botulinum toxin, a naturally occurring bacterium that blocks nerve signals to muscles in the treatment area.  As a result, the muscle becomes “relaxed,” making it difficult for it to contract.  The overlying skin becomes smooth, leading to diminished wrinkles and fine lines.
Botox injections are most common in the forehead and crow’s feet regions.  Most injections take just minutes to administer, with very few side effects.  There’s no downtime associated with Botox injections, making this a great treatment for professional men with busy schedules.

Why You Need a Plastic Surgeon
One of the core differences with Brotox injections is that men seek out a much more subtle appearance.  Men want to avoid appearing overly “done,” meaning it’s more important than ever for male patients to seek out an experienced and highly skilled injector who can deliver subtle and natural-looking Botox injections.
That’s precisely what you’ll find at Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD! Our doctor and nurse injectors are highly experienced and trained in injectables such as Botox.

Gallaher Plastic Surgery & Spa MD is the superior destination for men who want natural-looking, subtle Botox injections.  Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with by calling 865-671-3888.